

Millions of adults live with mental illness each day. However, only about 1/3 of those suffering seek help. Most people report going up to 10 years before getting help. Many who live with a mental health problem, or are having symptoms, keep it hidden because they are afraid of what others will think of them. Ending stigma will let others know that help is available and it is safe to ask for it. This allows for people to get help sooner. 


Ages 16-25


Teen years come with a lot of emotional ups and downs. Hormones are changing, life can seem overwhelming, and as a young adult you can feel misguided. When parents are busy working, or a natural separation from family occurs, its normal to turn to friends instead of parents. As you move into adulthood expectations are different. Often feeling like it is too much to handle or fears of letting people down become overwhelming. 




Older Adults


Older adults are enjoying a longer life thanks to medical science. However, many are also experiencing an increasingly higher rate of mental health-related issues.  Some older adults are ashamed or frightened by their symptoms, or believe that they are simply an inevitable part of aging.



parents children

Many parents believe that mental illness is something that happens to someone else's child.  Most families are not prepared to cope with a child who’s suffering from mental illness. As parents we struggle to say and do the right things for our children.